"Dottie" - 30" x 12" x 9" - Mixed Media - $2,900 - SOLD!

A vintage Rootstein mannequin transformed into 3 dimensional fine art after the style of Lichtenstein Pop Art.
Hand painted and embellished, this piece of fashion history exemplifies the Pop Art movement by elevating a common object to the level of fine art. Rootstein, founded in Soho in the Sixties, is the world's leading designer of hand-made realistic and sculpted window display mannequins and their creations are known worldwide as the "Rolls Royce" of body form figures.
Roy Lichtenstein, one of the most influential and successful artists to embrace the Pop Art movement, inspired the creation of this piece with it's vibrant, primary colors and patterns and it's bold design.
This is the first of a series I will be producing. Stay tuned :)